What do you need help with?

  • Account and Website

  • Payment

  • Shipping
  • Bonuses
  • Returns and Exchanges
  • What credit cards do you take?
  • Do you offer PayPal?
  • When will the charge to my card or PayPal account be processed?
  • Can I change the credit card I used for my order?
  • How much does shipping cost?
  • Does the animate Online Shop Japan offer global shipping?
  • Can I change my shipping address?
  • Can I use a hotel or inn as my address?
  • I was away when my package arrived, and it was sent back to your store. Can you please send it to me again?
  • The release date has come, so why hasn't my package arrived?
  • Can I combine my orders and have them shipped together?
  • What are bonuses?
  • How can I tell whether an item I want to order will come with a bonus?
  • What types of bonuses do you offer?
  • Do I have to meet any conditions to be eligible for a bonus?
  • If my order isn't going to come with a bonus, can you cancel it?
  • What do I do if the item/bonus I received was damaged or soiled?
  • What do I do if the item/bonus I received is faulty or has manufacturing defects?
  • What do I do if I received a different item/bonus from what I ordered?
  • What do I do if an item/bonus I ordered is missing?
  • Can I cancel my order?
  • How can I stop receiving e-mail catalogs and newsletters?

    Please go to your account page and look for E-mail Catalog Settings (メルマガの設定). You can switch the option off there. Please note it can take 3-4 days for the change to be reflected.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    How do I make an order?

    Please see our Shopping Guide here.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    What do the different colored cart buttons mean?

    The cart button changes depending on stock status:

    【カートに入れる】// ADD TO CART
    This product has been released, and units are available in our store stockpile or our joint warehouses. It is available for purchase.
    【お取り寄せする】// PLACE BACK-ORDER
    Once we receive your order, we will send away to the manufacturers for a unit. We cannot confirm how long it will take to arrive in our store, however it usually takes at least 10 days.
    【予約して宅配受取】// PLACE PRE-ORDER
    This item has not been released yet. You can place a pre-order now, and it will ship after the release date.
    【一括購入する】// ADD ALL TO CART
    This button will appear when it is possible for you to add a set of items to your cart with one click. All the items listed under “一括購入商品内容 // SET PURCHASE CONTENT” on the product page will be added. Please be aware that if release dates and stock status differ among the items, they will be shipped separately accordingly.

    If you see the following buttons, you cannot currently purchase the item:

    Pre-orders have not yet opened, and this item is not yet available for purchase. Please wait until pre-orders open, or until the product is released to make your order.
    【販売終了】// DISCONTINUED
    This is displayed when all units of a limited edition item etc. have been purchased. These items are usually not re-released.
    【品切れ中】// OUT OF STOCK
    There are no units available in our store stockpile or joint warehouses, and we also currently cannot request more from the manufacturers.
    【販売停止】// SALES SUSPENDED
    There are circumstances requiring sales of this item be suspended.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    What credit cards do you take?

    We take the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, JBC Card
    Please note that we cannot accept other credit cards.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    Do you offer PayPal?

    Yes, we do. Some items, however, cannot be bought using PayPal, and the option will not appear at check out. Please check individual product pages to see whether an item has limited payment options. Also, we do not offer the option to pay via PayPal direct bank transfer. Please log into your PayPal account and connect a credit or debit card.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    When will the charge to my card or PayPal account be processed?

    It depends on the timing of your order and stock status. We generally charge you as soon as we have the items ready on our end. If your order contains back-order items (お取り寄せ) or pre-order items (ご予約), we do not charge your card or send an e-mail requesting you to complete your purchase via PayPal until the stock has reached our store (in the case of pre-order items, generally 1-2 days before the release date).

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    Can I change the credit card I used for my order?

    If we find we cannot finalize payment using the credit card information you entered when you made the order, we will send you a notification email containing a link allowing you to change your credit card or select a different payment method. Please wait for this email, and change it then.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    How much does shipping cost?

    Courier service (宅配便) shipping to anywhere within Japan costs ¥594. Selecting the cash on delivery option will incur an extra ¥309 handling fee. Mailbox delivery (メール便) to anywhere in Japan costs ¥280. Please note that as your item will simply be left in the mailbox at the designated address, you cannot pay using cash on delivery.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    Does the animate Online Shop Japan offer global shipping?

    At the moment we only offer shipping within Japan. Anyone with access to a Japanese address, such as that of a friend or service, may place orders through our website. You can also check out animate International, an English-language animate online shop that offers worldwide shipping.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    Can I change my shipping address?

    You can update your registered shipping address on your account page. Please note that we cannot change the address for packages that have already been shipped. Please contact the courier service organization specified on your shipping notification email in the case of an urgent change.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    Can I use a hotel or inn as my address?

    No, you cannot. If we find you have used a temporary address such as a hotel or inn as your shipping address, we will contact you and ask you to change it.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    I was away when my package arrived, and it was sent back to your store. Can you please send it to me again?

    If the package is still being held by the courier service, please contact them to arrange a re-delivery. If the courier service's hold period has expired and the package has been sent back to our store, the order will be cancelled, and we will not be able to redeliver it. If you would like to receive the item, you must re-order it.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    The release date has come, so why hasn't my package arrived?

    Due to varying circumstances regarding pre-order stock, we cannot promise that all items will arrive on the release date. There are also sometimes delays due to weather or remoteness of the destination. Also, please note that release dates are subject to change without notice.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    Can I combine my orders and have them shipped together?

    We cannot ship items together if the release dates are TBA or over 30 days apart, if the items are on back-order, or if there are multiple very large items (eg. life sized posters, jumbo cushions, replica swords etc.). A cart containing these items will automatically be split into separate orders. We do not accept requests to cancel orders that have been split.
    If you wish to add an item or several copies of an item to an existing order, please add it to your cart and during check-out look for a button marked “Check For Combinable Orders” (まとめて発送できる注文を確認する). Possible orders will appear. If no orders appear, it is not possible. Please note that you can only do this with one kind of product at a time. If you have several different products in your cart, the “Check For Combinable Orders” (まとめて発送できる注文を確認する) option will not appear.
    We cannot combine two or more existing orders. Once an order has been finalized and you have received an order number, you can only add new items using the method described above. We do not accept requests to cancel orders that cannot be combined.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    What are bonuses?

    Bonuses are special gifts we include along with your order. Unless specified, they are free of charge and are handed out on a first-come-first-serve basis.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    How can I tell whether an item I want to order will come with a bonus?

    Please check the product page for a section marked “特典情報 // BONUS INFORMATION.” If the item is eligible for any bonuses, they will be described there.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    What types of bonuses do you offer?

    We offer the following types of bonuses:
    • ・メーカー特典 // MANUFACTURER BONUS
      Offered by all retailers.
    • ・アニメイトオリジナル特典 // ANIMATE ORIGINAL BONUS
      Exclusive to animate stores across Japan.
    • ・アニメイトオンライン限定特典 // ANIMATE ONLINE EXCLUSIVE BONUS
      Exclusive to the animate Online Shop Japan. (Not available at physical stores.)
    • ・封入特典 // PACKAGED BONUS
      Placed inside the packaging during manufacturing.
    • ・フェア特典 // FAIR BONUS
      Included when orders contain specified required series/manufacturers/publishers/items. See what fairs are currently on now here.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    Do I have to meet any conditions to be eligible for a bonus?

    If nothing is specified, you must simply purchase the item before bonus stocks run out to be eligible. However, many bonuses come with extra conditions. You may find the following in bonus descriptions on product pages:
    • ・早期予約 // EARLY-BIRD PRE-ORDERS
      Only pre-orders placed before the specified deadline will be eligible.
    • ・初回 // FIRST COPIES
      Only included with copies from the first production run.
      You will be entered for a chance to win the event or campaign described in detail on the product page, and may need to submit extra information at the checkout page.
    • ・連動購入 // SET PURCHASE BONUS
      Purchase all specified items in the described set from our store. They do not have to be purchased in the same order, however, they must all be purchased from the same store (purchases from other animate stores will not be counted.) If for any reason your order containing the set or part of the set must be cancelled, you will no longer be eligible for this bonus.
      Same as above.
      Purchase all specified items in the described set from our store. They must be purchased in the same order, from the same store (purchases from other animate stores will not be counted.)

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    If my order isn't going to come with a bonus, can you cancel it?

    No, we do not accept requests to cancel orders on the basis of not receiving a bonus. To give yourself the best chance of receiving a bonus, we recommend you make sure to check the product pages and order as early as possible.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    What do I do if the item/bonus I received was damaged or soiled?

    If the cardboard packing box is damaged or soiled, we must ask you to contact the courier service. They will follow up with us from there. If you believe the product may have been damaged during packaging at our store, take a photo of the damage and contact our support center with the following details:
    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product/bonus
    • ・Detailed description of the damage/soiling
    Please note that items specified to be delivered to a mailbox without signing (メール便) will not be eligible for any compensation.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    What do I do if the item/bonus I received is faulty or has manufacturing defects?

    Please contact the manufacturer listed on product packaging etc. for further assistance.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    What do I do if I received a different item/bonus from what I ordered?

    Please contact our support center within 7 days of receiving your package, and let us know the following details:
    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product/bonus you ordered
    • ・Name of product/bonus you received
    ease keep the mistakenly received item somewhere safe, and do not open the packaging, as in most cases we are unable to exchange items with unsealed packaging.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    What do I do if an item/bonus I ordered is missing?

    Please check the invoice included inside the cardboard packing box. If the item is listed on the invoice but not included in the box, please contact our support center within 7 days of receiving your package with the following details:
    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of missing product/bonus
    Please note that bonuses are handed out on a first-come-first-served basis, and if a bonus you had expected to receive is not listed on your invoice then your order was not eligible for it in the first place.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product

    Can I cancel my order?

    As per our site terms and conditions, we do not accept requests for cancellations or returns due to customer convenience. If we are forced to cancel orders repeatedly, your account may be restricted. Also, due to system limitations it is impossible to cancel an order if you have received a shipping confirmation email or if your items are currently being processed for shipping.

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    Please include the following relevant information:

    • ・Your name
    • ・Your registered email
    • ・Order number
    • ・Name of product