animate Minami Koshigaya Floor Guide
Our most popular section is the anime adaptation corner. We have a wide selection of books related to currently airing anime, tailored to each season.
Whether you want to get ahead of the anime, compare the anime with the original work, or deepen your understanding of the world by exploring the original source, this is the place to be!
Right at the entrance, you’ll find the new CD releases corner, featuring anime theme songs, drama CDs, situation CDs, and of course, CDs from voice actors.
We also carry Blu-rays and DVDs of the latest anime, live concerts, and events, as well as spotlight games. We have a wide range of pre-orders available too!
We offer a variety of character goods, trading items, trading cards, food products, seasonal limited items, and lottery items.
Additionally, every time a new anime airs, we enhance our sections to match the excitement!