animate Matsuyama Floor Guide
We offer a wide selection of manga and light novels, ranging from shonen to seinen, female-oriented titles, and even anime-adapted books. Some new releases come with exclusive original bonuses! We also have a dedicated corner for anime-adapted books where you can quickly check out the latest trending titles!
Many of our new audio-visual products come with original bonuses, and we also carry animate-exclusive limited editions that are only available here! We accept reservations for a wide variety of products, and for popular items, we recommend reserving early! We strive to create easy-to-navigate sections for customers, with special attention given to the corner featuring our top picks!
animate’s only store in Ehime! We have a wide variety of character goods! Popular items require reservations, so be sure to secure your favorite goods! Feel the excitement as you browse your favorite items!
At the Matsuyama store, we have an event space where we showcase upcoming product announcements and reservation notices. You’ll find all the information you need about future releases right here! If something catches your eye, feel free to make a reservation on the spot! We also have a large number of capsule machines, so you might just find what you’ve been looking for!