animate AEON MALL Kuwana Access
Access from Kuwana Station

After exiting through the ticket gate, head to the left towards the East Exit.

From the East Exit, take the stairs on the right, which will lead you directly to the bus terminal for convenience.

Go down the stairs.

You’ll arrive at the bus terminal.
Take a bus from stop 6 or 7 bound for or via “AEON MALL Kuwana.”
Please note that some buses do not stop at “AEON MALL Kuwana,” so confirm before boarding.

After getting off at AEON MALL Kuwana, follow the arrows.

Enter through the West Entrance on the 1st floor ahead.

Follow the arrows inside the mall.

When you see the store “Kakiyasu,” turn right.

Take the escalator in front of the fountain to the 3rd floor.
Once you reach the 3rd floor, animate will be on your immediate left.