animate Chiba Access

Exit JR Chiba Station through the “Central Ticket Gate” and take the escalator directly in front of you.

After descending the escalator, proceed straight along the rotary in front of the station.

As you continue straight, you’ll see a large building ahead.

You can pass underneath the large building, so keep going straight.

You’ll come out in front of the game center “GIGO.” Continue straight on the road to your right.

Continue straight until you reach a traffic light. When the light turns green, cross carefully and continue straight.

Keep going straight until you reach another traffic light. When the light turns green, cross carefully and continue straight.

You’ll see a brown building on your left with the animate store.

There’s an animate sign on the 1st floor. The entrance to animate Chiba is in the basement. Please note that the shutters are closed outside of business hours.

After exiting the ticket gate at Keisei Chiba-Chuo Station, you’ll see the newly renovated MIO right in front of you! Instead of entering, head to the right.

Continue straight and proceed to the rotary in front of the station.

When you reach the rotary, turn left, and you’ll see a beef bowl restaurant in front of you. Cross the intersection straight ahead.

After passing by the beef bowl restaurant, you’ll see the brown building with animate immediately.

There’s an animate sign on the 1st floor. The entrance to animate Chiba is in the basement. Please note that the shutters are closed outside of business hours.